
Christy Ogley Therapy is closing at the end of July 2024. 

The informational parts of this site may remain up for a short while, but we are not accepting any new clients

Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers

Ontario Association of Social Workers Logo

Progress flag


Phone: 905-586-6973

In the spirit of reconciliation with Canada’s indigenous peoples, I acknowledge that this service is offered on lands traditionally occupied by the: 
Anishinabewaki ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ (Link 1)
Wendake-Nionwentsïo (Link 1)
Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee) (Link 1)
Petun (Link 1)
Mississauga (Link 1)
Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation
which is governed by Treaty 19, 1818.

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